Combine Meal And 
Sightseeing Ex​perience

Enjoy a delicious dinner while cruising the coastline.

Enjoy a delicious dinner while cruising the coastline.

Discover Istanbul’s Hidden Gems

Step aboard our luxurious cruise ship and take in the breathtaking 
views of the 
Bosphorus while indulging 
in a delectable dinner 
served by our expert chefs.

Book now to secure your spot
and get ready to indulge
in a dining experience like no other.

A Culinary Journey Aboard

Our dinner cruise features a delectable
multi-course meal carefully curated
by our chefs to satisfy
your taste buds.
Our menu includes a range of fresh and
locally sourced ingredients,
perfectly paired with
your choice of beverages,
including wine and cocktails.

An Evening of Entertainment Aboard

As you enjoy your meal, our onboard entertainment will keep you entertained throughout the night.
We guarantee a fun and engaging experience, from live music to cultural performances.

A Feast for the Eyes

But the real highlight of our
dinner cruise is the
stunning views.
Our ship is designed to offer
unobstructed panoramic views
of the Bosphorus so
you can take
in the city’s beauty from
a unique perspective.

It’s essential to make the most of
every moment
because you have limited time
for a vacation.

… on the other hand …

A dinner cruise often includes food, drinks,
and entertainment in the ticket price,
making it a cost-effective option
compared to going to
a restaurant or show separately.

A dinner cruise allows one to see
the city or waterfront
from a different perspective,
often with stunning views
that can’t be seen from land.

A dinner cruise is a unique and
memorable experience
that can add value to you.

So, why are you waiting to make the reservation?

Book now to secure your spot
and get ready to indulge
in a dining experience like no other.